Your rebirth is a journey, separated into clusters of Trials called Programs. One of the biggest changes we introduced in Early Access is the concept of Murkoff Programs. There are other surprises in the Sleep Room for you to discover… Dorris, the Shadowy Dame, will provide you with Amps to strengthen you for the Trials.Barlow, the Pharmacist will help you enhance your physical and mental abilities with Prescriptions.Noakes, the Engineer, will assist you with Experimental Special Operations Platforms, also known as Rigs.They live in Murkoff’s Sinyala facility and are there to help you with your therapy. The Denizens populating the Sleep Room are now active. The Outlast Trials is a complex experience, Early Access means we will be able to reiterate the game with your feedback to help us refine and balance the game.
You will be able to customize your character and cell and experience full character progression with a narrative introduction and a surprising conclusion for each Reagent released, and more to come gradually throughout Early Access. Murkoff's experimental program is waiting for you! Reagents will be pushed to their limits in new environments, new Trials, several Challenges including variators to enhance the experience and difficulty, as well as the elusive seasonal Program X.
Quest items dropping on the ground due to players leaving Trial or disconnecting will now display an icon across the map to help other players locate it (Keys and Tickets).

Group Finder will avoid matchmaking with the same players twice in a row.If the matchmaking time takes too long, the system will expand to more levels in order to find a team. Group Finder will now look for players of similar level in priority.

Although the system tries to find players of similar Therapy Level, it is still possible that players end up in a group with a larger level difference. We will be monitoring this change and keep improving it server-side. This change should improve the player experience when playing with strangers. We are improving the Group Finder to queue players of similar Therapy Level together.

Your feedback is critical for us, thank you for playing The Outlast Trials and for taking the time to respond to our survey [Group Finder We are still assessing all the feedback and data from the launch week, and will provide more details soon. We released a hotfix to resolve some issues and improve game stability.